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Reporting Defective Items
Reporting Defective Items

If you receive a defective item, please follow the steps below to ensure your claim is processed efficiently:


  • You have 5 days from the date of receiving your order to report a defective item. Please ensure claims are submitted within this period as late claims will not be accepted.

Email Us:

Send an email to with the following details:

  • A clear subject line (e.g., "Defective Item Claim - Order #12345").
  • Photo evidence of the defect or damage. Claims without photo evidence will not be processed.
  • A brief description of the issue.
  • Specify your preference for the resolution: a refund back to the original payment method or store credit.

Create a Return:

  1. Visit to create a return request.
  2. Select the "Defective" or "Other" option as the reason for return.
  3. Include a note in the request confirming that you’ve emailed us about the issue.

Returns Policy for Defective Items:

  • For defective items, returns are generally not required, unless specifically stated in our follow-up email.
  • If a return is required and you opt for a refund to the original payment method, the cost of the return label will be deducted from your final refund.

Processing Your Claim:

  • Once your email and return request are received, our team will review the information and provide further instructions within 24-48 hours.
    We appreciate your cooperation in following these steps to ensure a smooth resolution for defective item claims.

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